Unboxing Marketing Glossary

This glossary is aimed at helping Unboxing Marketers better understand some of the industry-specific jargon they may hear on their learning journey.

3PL (Third-Party Logistics)

A service provider that handles logistics operations for other companies, including warehousing, inventory management, order fulfillment, and shipping. Using a 3PL allows businesses to outsource their logistics functions and focus on core activities.


4PL (Fourth-Party Logistics) 

A logistics service provider that manages and oversees the entire supply chain for a company, including the coordination of multiple 3PLs. A 4PL acts as a single point of contact, integrating resources, technology, and capabilities to provide comprehensive supply chain solutions and strategic oversight.


A/B Test

 A type of split test that compares two versions of a single variable to determine which one performs better. For example, in unboxing marketing, an A/B test might compare two different types of packaging or two different messages included in the package to see which one results in higher customer satisfaction or repeat purchases.


A/B/n Test

 An extension of A/B testing that compares multiple versions (more than two) of a single variable. This allows marketers to test several variations simultaneously to identify the best-performing option. In unboxing marketing, an A/B/n test could evaluate multiple packaging designs or different versions of a personalized note.


Abandoned Cart

 An instance where a customer adds products to their online shopping cart but does not complete the purchase. Analyzing abandoned cart rates and implementing strategies such as personalized follow-up emails or improved unboxing experiences can help recover lost sales and enhance the overall customer journey.


AIDA Model

 A framework used in marketing and advertising that describes the steps a consumer goes through when making a purchase. It stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. This model helps marketers understand how to attract potential customers, engage them, build their interest and desire for the product, and ultimately drive them to take action, such as making a purchase.


Augmented Reality (AR) Unboxing

 Integrating augmented reality into the unboxing experience, allowing customers to use their smartphones to access interactive and immersive content related to the product. AR unboxing can create a unique and engaging customer experience.


Average Order Value (AOV)

 The average amount of money spent by customers per transaction. It is calculated by dividing the total revenue by the number of orders. AOV is used to evaluate sales performance and identify opportunities to increase revenue per transaction.


Brand Advocacy

 The support and promotion of a brand by loyal customers who spread positive word-of-mouth. A well-executed unboxing experience can turn satisfied customers into brand advocates.


Brand Consistency

 The practice of maintaining a uniform image and message across all marketing channels. Ensuring brand consistency in the unboxing experience helps reinforce the brand identity and builds customer trust.


Brand Loyalty

 The degree to which customers consistently choose the same brand over competitors. Effective unboxing marketing can strengthen brand loyalty by creating memorable and positive experiences that resonate with customers.


Branded Packaging

 Customized packaging that features a company's logo, colors, and other brand elements. Branded packaging helps reinforce brand identity and creates a more cohesive and memorable unboxing experience.


Campaign Story Arc

 A strategic approach in Unboxing Marketing where brand storytelling unfolds sequentially over a series of campaigns, rather than through a single campaign within individual unboxing experiences. This method involves creating a series of interconnected marketing messages, each revealing new aspects of the brand to keep customers engaged and invested.


Churn Rate

 The percentage of customers who stop doing business with a company over a specific period. A well-designed unboxing experience can help reduce the churn rate by increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Confidence Level

 The probability that a confidence interval contains the true population parameter. Common confidence levels are 90%, 95%, and 99%. A higher confidence level indicates greater certainty in the estimate but results in a wider confidence interval.


Cost Per Conversion

 The amount of money spent on marketing activities to achieve a single conversion, such as a sale, sign-up, or other desired action. This metric helps marketers understand the efficiency and effectiveness of their campaigns.



 A sales technique where customers are encouraged to purchase additional products related to their original purchase. Effective unboxing marketing can use cross-selling tactics through personalized package inserts and recommendations.


Customer Acquisition Channel Mix

 The variety of marketing channels and methods used to attract new customers. This mix can include social media, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), paid advertising, and more. Understanding the effectiveness of each channel helps optimize marketing spend and tailor strategies to reach the most valuable customers.


Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

 The total cost of acquiring a new customer, including marketing and sales expenses. Understanding CAC helps businesses assess the efficiency of their marketing strategies and the potential profitability of their unboxing efforts.


Customer Advocacy

 When customers actively promote and recommend a brand to others. Positive unboxing experiences can turn satisfied customers into advocates who share their experiences on social media and through word-of-mouth.


Customer Delight

 The practice of exceeding customer expectations to create a positive and memorable experience. In the context of unboxing marketing, this can involve thoughtful packaging, personalized notes, and surprise gifts that enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Customer Engagement

 The level of interaction and involvement a customer has with a brand. Effective unboxing experiences can significantly boost customer engagement by creating memorable and enjoyable interactions with the product and packaging.


Customer Experience (CX)

 The overall perception customers have of their interactions with a brand. A well-crafted unboxing experience is a vital component of CX, contributing to positive brand perceptions and customer loyalty.


Customer Feedback Loop

 The process of collecting, analyzing, and acting on customer feedback to improve products, services, and experiences. This loop helps brands continually refine their unboxing experiences based on customer insights and preferences.


Customer Journey

 The complete experience a customer has with a brand, from initial awareness and consideration to purchase and post-purchase interactions. Mapping the customer journey helps identify key touchpoints and opportunities to enhance the unboxing experience.


Customer Journey Mapping

 The process of creating a visual representation of the steps a customer takes when interacting with a brand. This includes the unboxing experience as a critical touchpoint that can influence customer perceptions and behavior.


Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

A prediction of the total revenue a business can expect from a customer over their entire relationship. Enhancing the unboxing experience can increase CLV by fostering loyalty and encouraging repeat purchases.


Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Enhancement

Strategies focused on increasing the total revenue a customer generates over their lifetime. Enhancing the unboxing experience can be a key component of these strategies by fostering loyalty and repeat purchases.


Customer Love

A deep and emotional connection that customers develop towards a brand, characterized by trust, loyalty, and advocacy. Customer love is cultivated through consistent positive experiences, exceptional service, and meaningful engagement, often leading to enthusiastic promotion and long-term loyalty. Enhancing the unboxing experience is a powerful way to foster customer love.


Customer Onboarding

The process of introducing new customers to a product or service, ensuring they understand its features and benefits. An effective unboxing experience can serve as a crucial part of the customer onboarding process.


Customer Onboarding Kit

A package designed to welcome new customers and provide them with essential information about the product and brand. A well-thought-out onboarding kit can enhance the unboxing experience and help customers get the most out of their purchase.


Customer Retention

The strategies and activities aimed at keeping existing customers engaged and loyal to the brand. High customer retention rates indicate successful marketing and customer satisfaction efforts, often supported by positive unboxing experiences.


Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

A measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or exceed customer expectations. High CSAT scores can be an indicator of effective unboxing experiences.


Customer Segmentation

The practice of dividing customers into groups based on shared characteristics such as demographics, behavior, or purchase history. Segmentation allows for more personalized and effective unboxing marketing strategies.


Customer Touchpoint

Any interaction or point of contact between a customer and a brand. Touchpoints can include website visits, social media interactions, email communications, and the unboxing experience. Each touchpoint provides an opportunity to influence the customer’s perception and relationship with the brand.


Data-Driven Marketing

A marketing approach that uses data and analytics to guide decisions and strategies. This involves collecting and analyzing customer data to understand behavior, preferences, and trends, allowing for more targeted and effective marketing efforts. Data-driven marketing can significantly enhance the unboxing experience by personalizing content and offers based on customer insights.


Demand Forecasting

The process of predicting future customer demand using historical data and analytics. Accurate demand forecasting helps ensure that inventory levels meet customer needs, preventing stockouts or overstock situations that can impact the unboxing experience and overall customer satisfaction



The process of distinguishing a brand or product from its competitors by highlighting unique features, benefits, or experiences. Effective differentiation in unboxing marketing involves creating a memorable and distinctive unboxing experience that reinforces the brand's unique value proposition and fosters customer loyalty.


Digital Touchpoint

Any interaction between a customer and a brand that occurs through digital channels, such as websites, social media, email, or mobile apps. Digital touchpoints are crucial for creating a cohesive and engaging unboxing experience, as they can be used to follow up on the physical unboxing with additional content and offers.


Direct-to-Consumer (DTC)

A business model where brands sell their products directly to customers, bypassing traditional retail channels. DTC brands have complete control over the unboxing experience, allowing them to create personalized and memorable interactions that enhance customer loyalty and engagement.


Discount Strategy

A planned approach to offering price reductions to encourage purchases and boost sales. In the context of unboxing marketing, discount strategies can be implemented through personalized inserts and special offers included in the packaging to incentivize repeat purchases and reward loyal customers.


Drop Shipping

A fulfillment method where products are shipped directly from the supplier to the customer, without the seller handling inventory. This method can influence the unboxing experience by determining packaging quality and delivery speed, which are crucial for customer satisfaction.


Dual-Channel Marketing

A strategy that uses both online and offline channels to reach and engage customers. In unboxing marketing, dual-channel strategies can enhance the customer experience by integrating physical unboxing with digital follow-ups, such as personalized thank-you emails or social media engagement.


Dynamic Content

Digital content that changes based on user behavior, preferences, or other data points. In unboxing marketing, dynamic content can be used in follow-up communications, such as personalized emails or web pages, to provide a tailored experience that complements the unboxing process and keeps customers engaged.


Earned Media

Publicity gained through promotional efforts other than paid advertising, such as word-of-mouth, social media shares, and user-generated content. Effective unboxing experiences can generate significant earned media by encouraging customers to share their unboxing moments online.


Ecommerce Conversion Rate

The percentage of website visitors who make a purchase. Optimized unboxing experiences can enhance customer satisfaction, leading to higher repeat purchase rates and improved overall conversion rates.


Environmental Impact Score

A measure of the environmental sustainability of packaging materials and processes. Brands can enhance their unboxing experience by using eco-friendly packaging and communicating their sustainability efforts to customers.


ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

A suite of integrated software applications that manage a company's core business processes, including finance, human resources, supply chain, manufacturing, services, and others. ERP systems provide a centralized database and a unified view of business operations, helping organizations streamline processes, improve data accuracy, and make informed decisions.


Evolution of Basket Size Over Time

The trend of changes in the average amount of items or total value of goods in a customer's shopping cart over a specific period. Monitoring this evolution helps businesses understand customer purchasing behavior, identify opportunities for upselling and cross-selling, and assess the impact of marketing strategies on overall sales volume.


First Purchase Profitability (FPP)

The profit generated from a customer's first purchase. Enhancing the unboxing experience can increase the perceived value of the product and justify premium pricing, thereby boosting FPP.


First-Moment-of-Truth (FMOT)

The initial point of contact when a customer first encounters a product on a store shelf or online. For unboxing, this moment can be extended to when the customer first receives and opens their package, setting the stage for their overall experience.


Frequency of Purchase

The average number of times a customer makes a purchase within a given timeframe. This metric helps businesses gauge customer engagement and loyalty, and identify patterns in purchasing behavior. Strategies to increase the frequency of purchase include personalized offers and enhancing the unboxing experience to encourage repeat business.



The process of receiving, processing, and delivering orders to customers. Fulfillment includes inventory management, order processing, packaging, and shipping. Efficient fulfillment is crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.


Fulfillment Center

A warehouse facility where products are stored, packed, and shipped to customers. Efficient operations at fulfillment centers are essential for timely and accurate unboxing experiences.



A marketing strategy that delivers content or advertisements to consumers based on their geographic location. In unboxing marketing, geo-targeting can be used to tailor packaging inserts or promotional offers to regional preferences, enhancing relevance and engagement for customers in different areas.


Gift with Purchase (GWP)

A promotional tactic where customers receive a free gift when they make a purchase. Including a GWP in the unboxing experience can surprise and delight customers, increasing satisfaction and encouraging repeat purchases.


Green Packaging

Eco-friendly packaging materials and practices that minimize environmental impact. Utilizing green packaging in unboxing marketing can appeal to environmentally conscious consumers and enhance the brand's reputation for sustainability.


Growth Hacking

A marketing technique focused on rapid experimentation across various strategies to identify the most effective ways to grow a business. Applying growth hacking principles to unboxing marketing can help discover innovative ways to enhance the unboxing experience and drive customer engagement and loyalty.


Guerrilla Marketing

An unconventional marketing strategy that uses creative and low-cost tactics to generate high impact. Incorporating guerrilla marketing elements into the unboxing experience, such as unexpected surprises or unique packaging designs, can create memorable moments that encourage word-of-mouth promotion.


Guided Selling

A sales approach that helps customers make informed purchase decisions through personalized recommendations and support. Including guided selling elements in the unboxing experience, such as tailored product suggestions or instructional inserts, can enhance customer satisfaction and increase the likelihood of repeat purchases.


Handwritten Notes

Personalized, handwritten messages included in packaging to convey a sense of care and attention to customers. Including handwritten notes in the unboxing experience can significantly enhance customer satisfaction, making the interaction feel more personal and valued.


Hero Product

A flagship or best-selling product that represents the brand’s core values and strengths. Featuring the hero product prominently in the unboxing experience can highlight its importance, reinforce brand identity, and encourage customers to explore other offerings.


High-Touch Customer Service

A customer service approach that emphasizes personalized, attentive, and high-quality interactions. Ensuring that the unboxing experience reflects high-touch service—such as through carefully curated packaging and personalized elements—can enhance customer loyalty and satisfaction.


Holdout Group

A control group in an experiment that does not receive the intervention being tested. This group is used as a baseline to compare against the intervention group to measure the effectiveness of the marketing campaign or strategy.


Holiday Campaigns

Marketing campaigns specifically designed for holiday seasons. Creating festive unboxing experiences during holidays can capitalize on the seasonal buying spirit, delight customers, and encourage gift purchases.



Advanced personalization techniques that use real-time data and analytics to deliver highly tailored experiences. Implementing hyper-personalization in unboxing marketing, such as customized inserts based on recent purchases or browsing behavior, can increase engagement and customer retention.


Hypothesis Testing

A method used to determine the effect of a change or intervention by comparing outcomes against a hypothesis. In unboxing marketing, hypothesis testing can help evaluate the impact of different packaging designs or promotional inserts on customer satisfaction and repeat purchases.


IDIC Model

An acronym for Identify, Differentiate, Interact, and Customize. It is a relationship marketing model that emphasizes the importance of identifying and understanding customers on an individual level, differentiating them based on their needs and preferences, interacting with them to build a deeper relationship, and customizing the marketing efforts to better meet their specific requirements.


In-Package Personalization

The practice of customizing the contents of a package to cater to the individual recipient. This can include personalized notes, tailored product recommendations, or other elements that make the customer feel special and valued. In-package personalization can significantly enhance the unboxing experience and build stronger customer relationships.


Influencer Marketing

A strategy that leverages influential individuals to promote products and brands. Unboxing experiences are often shared by influencers, providing authentic and engaging content that can attract new customers.


Interactive Packaging

Packaging that includes elements like QR codes, AR experiences, or other digital interactions to engage customers. Interactive packaging can elevate the unboxing experience by blending physical and digital elements.


Intervention Group

The group in an experiment that receives the intervention or treatment being tested. The performance of this group is compared against the holdout group to determine the impact of the intervention.


Just-in-Time (JIT) Inventory

An inventory management strategy where materials and products are ordered and received only as needed for production or sales, minimizing inventory costs. In unboxing marketing, JIT inventory can ensure that packaging materials and inserts are always up-to-date and relevant, reducing waste and improving efficiency.


Joint Promotions

Collaborative marketing efforts between two or more brands to promote each other’s products. Including joint promotions in the unboxing experience can introduce customers to complementary products and services, providing added value and enhancing the overall customer experience.


Joy Marketing

A marketing approach focused on creating positive, joyful experiences for customers. Incorporating elements of joy marketing into the unboxing experience—such as cheerful packaging, surprise gifts, and delightful messages—can boost customer satisfaction and foster emotional connections with the brand.


Journey Mapping

The process of creating a visual representation of the steps a customer takes when interacting with a brand. Journey mapping helps identify key touchpoints, including the unboxing experience, and optimize them to enhance overall customer satisfaction and engagement.


Just-in-Case (JIC) Inventory

An inventory strategy where extra stock is kept on hand to ensure availability in case of unexpected demand. While typically used in broader supply chain management, in the context of unboxing marketing, JIC can ensure that personalized or promotional materials are always available, preventing delays in fulfilling orders.


Judgment Sampling

A non-probability sampling technique where the researcher selects units to be sampled based on their knowledge and professional judgment. In unboxing marketing, judgment sampling can be used to select specific customer segments for testing new packaging designs or promotional inserts, ensuring that insights are relevant and actionable.


Keep-In-Touch Strategy

A marketing approach focused on maintaining ongoing communication with customers to foster long-term relationships. Including elements in the unboxing experience that encourage future interactions—such as invitations to join a loyalty program or follow the brand on social media—can be part of an effective keep-in-touch strategy.


Key Differentiators

Unique features or attributes that set a brand or product apart from competitors. Highlighting key differentiators in the unboxing experience can reinforce the brand’s unique value proposition and encourage customer loyalty.


Kinetic Packaging

Packaging designed with interactive elements that engage customers physically, such as pull tabs, pop-ups, or foldable structures. Kinetic packaging can create a memorable and enjoyable unboxing experience, enhancing customer satisfaction and brand perception.



The process of grouping, packaging, and supplying separate but related items as one unit. In unboxing marketing, kitting can be used to create bundled products or gift sets that provide added value and convenience for customers.


KPI (Key Performance Indicator)

A measurable value that indicates how effectively a company is achieving its key business objectives. In unboxing marketing, KPIs might include reorder rate, customer satisfaction scores, social media shares of unboxing experiences, and conversion rates from personalized package inserts.

Last-Mile Delivery

The final step of the delivery process where the product reaches the customer’s doorstep. Efficient last-mile delivery is crucial for a positive unboxing experience, ensuring that packages arrive on time and in good condition.


Lean Packaging

A methodology that focuses on minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency in packaging processes. Lean packaging principles can be applied to unboxing marketing to reduce costs, improve sustainability, and enhance the customer experience.


Lifetime Value (LTV)

The total revenue a business can expect from a single customer over the course of their relationship. LTV helps businesses understand the long-term value of acquiring and retaining customers and informs marketing and customer retention strategies.


Logistics Optimization

The process of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of logistics operations. Optimizing logistics, including packaging and delivery, can enhance the unboxing experience by ensuring timely and accurate order fulfillment.


Loyalty Programs

Rewards programs designed to encourage repeat business by offering incentives such as discounts, points, or exclusive offers. The unboxing experience can be used to promote and enhance loyalty program participation.


Luxury Packaging

High-quality, premium packaging designed to create a luxurious and memorable unboxing experience. Luxury packaging can enhance brand perception and make customers feel valued, which can drive repeat purchases and positive word-of-mouth.


Margin of Error

The range within which the true value of a population parameter is expected to fall, given a certain level of confidence. It represents the uncertainty or potential error in the estimate and is affected by sample size and variability.


Market Penetration

A strategy to increase the market share of existing products or services. Enhancing the unboxing experience can support market penetration efforts by differentiating the brand and encouraging repeat purchases.


Marketing Automation

The use of software to automate repetitive marketing tasks, such as email campaigns, social media posting, and ad management. Marketing automation can streamline the process of personalizing unboxing experiences and follow-up communications.



Small moments when customers turn to their devices for quick answers, information, or purchases. Creating a memorable unboxing experience can capitalize on micro-moments by encouraging customers to share their experiences online.


Milestone Rewards

Incentives given to customers when they reach specific milestones, such as a certain number of purchases or years of loyalty. Including milestone rewards in the unboxing experience can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Multi-Channel Marketing

A strategy that uses multiple channels to reach and engage customers. Integrating unboxing experiences with other marketing channels, such as email, social media, and in-store promotions, can create a cohesive and compelling customer journey.


Multivariate Test

A testing method that examines the performance of multiple variables simultaneously to determine their individual and combined effects on outcomes. This type of test is more complex than A/B or A/B/n testing and is used to optimize various elements of the unboxing experience, such as packaging design, personalized inserts, and promotional materials all at once.


Net Promoter Score (NPS)

A metric used to gauge customer loyalty and satisfaction based on their likelihood to recommend the brand to others. A high NPS indicates a positive customer experience, often influenced by a successful unboxing strategy.


Niche Marketing

A marketing strategy focused on targeting a specific, well-defined segment of the market. Customizing the unboxing experience to cater to niche markets can enhance customer satisfaction and brand loyalty within that segment.


Nurture Campaign

A series of marketing activities designed to build relationships with potential and existing customers over time. Unboxing marketing can be integrated into nurture campaigns by providing personalized experiences that keep customers engaged and interested in the brand.


Omnichannel Experience

A seamless and integrated customer experience across all channels and touchpoints, including online, in-store, and mobile. In unboxing marketing, ensuring consistency across channels enhances the overall brand experience and customer satisfaction.


Open Rate

The percentage of recipients who open an email out of the total number of emails sent. While typically used in email marketing, tracking the open rate of follow-up emails related to the unboxing experience can provide insights into customer engagement.

Order Accuracy

The measure of how often orders are fulfilled correctly without errors. High order accuracy is critical for customer satisfaction and a positive unboxing experience.


Order Fulfillment

The complete process from receiving an order to delivering it to the customer. Efficient order fulfillment is essential for ensuring timely delivery and a satisfying unboxing experience.

Order Volume

The total number of orders processed and fulfilled within a specific period. Order volume is an important metric for assessing business performance, capacity planning, and resource allocation.


Out-of-Box Experience (OOBE)

The initial experience a customer has when unboxing and setting up a new product. A positive OOBE can enhance customer satisfaction, encourage repeat purchases, and generate positive word-of-mouth.



Using excessive or unnecessary packaging materials for a product. Avoiding overpackaging is important for reducing environmental impact and improving the unboxing experience by making it more efficient and customer-friendly.



A measure that indicates the probability of obtaining the observed results, or more extreme results, if the null hypothesis is true. A low p-value (typically less than 0.05) suggests that the observed results are statistically significant and not due to random chance.


Packaging Design

The creation and development of a product's outer wrapping and inner packing materials. Good packaging design is crucial for protecting the product, reflecting the brand's image, and enhancing the unboxing experience.


Packaging Inserts or Marketing Inserts

Additional materials included in the packaging, such as promotional flyers, discount codes, or personalized notes. These inserts can enhance the unboxing experience and drive further customer engagement.


Packaging Sustainability

Practices aimed at reducing the environmental impact of packaging materials and processes. Sustainable packaging can enhance brand reputation and appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.


Personalization Token

A variable or piece of data used to customize marketing materials for individual customers. Common tokens include the customer's name, purchase history, preferences, and location. Effective use of personalization tokens can significantly enhance the unboxing experience.


Priority Pyramid

A hierarchical model used to prioritize broad audiences in Unboxing Marketing. It typically starts with the Global Audience foundation at the bottom, and then moves up towards progressive niche audiences.


Product Sampling

Including small samples of other products in the unboxing package to encourage customers to try and purchase additional items. This strategy can enhance the unboxing experience and drive cross-selling opportunities.


QR Codes

Quick Response codes that can be scanned using a smartphone to access digital content. Including QR codes in packaging inserts can direct customers to personalized landing pages, product information, or special offers, enriching the unboxing experience.


Qualitative Feedback

Non-numerical feedback gathered from customers, often through open-ended questions, interviews, or focus groups. In unboxing marketing, qualitative feedback provides valuable insights into customer perceptions and experiences, helping to improve packaging and presentation.


Quality Assurance (QA)

A process to ensure that products meet certain standards of quality before they reach the customer. Effective QA in unboxing marketing ensures that packaging and contents are free from defects, contributing to a positive customer experience.


Quota Sampling

A sampling method where a specific number of subjects from various subgroups are selected to ensure representation. In unboxing marketing, quota sampling can be used to gather feedback from diverse customer segments to ensure that the unboxing experience meets the needs of all target audiences.

RACE Model

A marketing planning framework that stands for Reach, Act, Convert, and Engage. It is designed to help marketers create and manage their digital marketing strategies. The model focuses on reaching potential customers, encouraging interactions, converting leads into customers, and engaging them to build loyalty and repeat business.


Referral Program

A marketing strategy that incentivizes existing customers to refer new customers to the brand. Unboxing experiences can be enhanced with referral program materials to encourage customers to share their positive experiences with friends and family.


Reorder Rate

The percentage of customers who make a repeat purchase within a given time frame. This metric is used to measure customer loyalty and the effectiveness of marketing efforts in encouraging repeat business.


Reorder Rate Lift

The percentage improvement in reorder rate between two periods or groups. It is calculated by comparing the reorder rates before and after an intervention or between a control group and an experimental group to determine the impact of marketing activities.


Repeat Rate

The percentage of customers who make more than one purchase within a specific period. A high repeat rate indicates strong customer satisfaction and loyalty, often driven by positive experiences such as an engaging and personalized unboxing process.


Return on Investment (ROI)

A measure of the profitability of an investment, calculated by dividing the net profit by the cost of the investment. ROI is expressed as a percentage and helps businesses evaluate the efficiency and financial return of their investments and marketing campaigns.


RFM Model

A method used in marketing to analyze customer behavior and segment customers based on three quantitative factors: Recency (how recently a customer made a purchase), Frequency (how often they purchase), and Monetary value (how much they spend). This model helps businesses target their marketing efforts more effectively by identifying their most valuable customers.


Second-Moment-of-Truth (SMOT)

The experience a customer has when they use a product for the first time. The unboxing experience plays a critical role in shaping this moment by creating anticipation and excitement about the product.


Sentiment Analysis

The process of analyzing customer feedback to determine their emotional response to a product or experience. Sentiment analysis can help gauge the effectiveness of unboxing experiences and identify areas for improvement.


Sequential Testing

A method of testing in which one variation is tested at a time in a predetermined sequence. This approach is useful for brands with limited resources or when testing new ideas incrementally. In unboxing marketing, sequential testing might involve changing one aspect of the unboxing experience at a time and monitoring the impact before moving on to the next variable.


Social Proof

 Evidence of other customers' satisfaction and approval, often used in marketing to build trust and credibility. Featuring user-generated content and positive reviews in the unboxing materials can serve as social proof and encourage new customers to engage with the brand.



A marketing planning model that stands for Situation analysis, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics, Action, and Control. It provides a structured approach to developing marketing strategies and plans, ensuring that all aspects of the marketing process are considered and addressed.


Split Test

An experimental method used to compare two or more versions of a marketing element to determine which performs better. In the context of unboxing marketing, split tests can be used to evaluate different packaging designs, personalized inserts, or promotional materials to optimize the unboxing experience.


Standard Error

A measure of the statistical accuracy of an estimate, indicating the variability of the sampling distribution. It is used to calculate confidence intervals and test hypotheses in statistical analyses.


Statistical Significance

A measure of whether the results of an experiment are likely due to the intervention rather than random chance. If a result is statistically significant, it means there is a high probability that the observed effect is real and not due to random variation.


Subscription Box

A recurring delivery of niche products packaged in an engaging way. The unboxing experience is central to the appeal of subscription boxes, making it a critical focus for brands in this market.


Sustainable Packaging

Eco-friendly packaging materials and practices aimed at reducing environmental impact. This can include using recyclable, biodegradable, or reusable materials. Sustainability can be a significant factor in enhancing brand perception and customer loyalty.


Tactile Marketing

A marketing strategy that engages the sense of touch to create a memorable customer experience. The unboxing process is a prime example of tactile marketing, where the feel of the packaging can enhance the overall customer experience.


Target Audience

The specific group of consumers that a brand aims to reach with its marketing efforts. Understanding the target audience helps tailor the unboxing experience to meet their preferences and expectations, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Thematic Packaging

Packaging that follows a specific theme, often related to seasons, holidays, or special events. Thematic packaging can make the unboxing experience more exciting and relevant, encouraging customers to share their experiences on social media.

Time to Next Order

The average duration between a customer's most recent purchase and their subsequent order. This metric helps businesses understand customer buying patterns and can be used to gauge customer loyalty and predict future sales. By analyzing the time to the next order, companies can identify opportunities to engage customers and encourage repeat purchases through targeted marketing efforts and promotions.



Any interaction between a customer and a brand throughout the customer journey. The unboxing experience is a critical touchpoint that can significantly impact customer perceptions and loyalty.


Trial Offer

A promotional strategy that allows customers to try a product for a limited time before committing to a purchase. Including trial offers in the unboxing experience can encourage customers to explore new products and increase the likelihood of repeat purchases.

UGC (User-Generated Content)

Content created by customers, such as reviews, photos, and videos, that showcases their experience with a product or brand. Unboxing videos and photos shared on social media are examples of UGC that can boost brand visibility and credibility.



The act of unpacking a product, often recorded and shared by consumers, to showcase the experience of opening the package and revealing its contents. It has become a popular trend in e-commerce and social media, providing brands with an opportunity to create memorable and engaging customer experiences.


Unboxing Automation

Using technology and automated systems to streamline the unboxing process, including personalized packaging and inserts. Automation ensures consistency and scalability in delivering high-quality unboxing experiences.


Unboxing Experience

A crucial DTC touchpoint and the overall experience a customer has when receiving and opening a package. This includes the design and quality of the packaging, the presentation of the product, and any additional elements such as personalized notes or promotional materials. A positive unboxing experience can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Unboxing Experience Audit

A comprehensive review of the current unboxing process, including packaging materials, presentation, and customer feedback. This audit helps identify areas for improvement to enhance the overall unboxing experience.


Unboxing Experience Platform

A technology solution that enables brands to design, implement, and manage personalized unboxing experiences at scale. These platforms often integrate with fulfillment centers to automate the inclusion of personalized elements in packages, ensuring consistency and efficiency in delivering customized unboxing experiences to customers.


Unboxing Marketer

A marketing professional who specializes in creating and optimizing unboxing experiences. They understand the importance of the unboxing moment and work to design packaging and presentations that enhance customer satisfaction and drive brand loyalty.


Unboxing Marketing

A marketing strategy that focuses on the unboxing experience as a key touchpoint in the customer journey. It involves creating thoughtful and engaging packaging and presentation to delight customers, encourage social sharing, and build brand loyalty.


Unboxing Marketing Creative

The design and content elements used in creating a memorable unboxing experience. This can include custom packaging, personalized notes, promotional inserts, and any other creative elements that make the unboxing experience unique and engaging for the customer.


Unboxing Metrics

Specific measures used to evaluate the effectiveness of an unboxing experience. These might include customer satisfaction scores, social media engagement, repeat purchase rates, and the overall cost-effectiveness of the unboxing strategy.


Unboxing Personalization Engine

A system that leverages customer data to create personalized unboxing experiences at scale. This engine can customize packaging, inserts, and messages based on individual customer preferences and purchase history.


Unboxing Review

A review specifically focused on the unboxing experience, often shared on social media or review sites. Positive unboxing reviews can enhance brand reputation and attract new customers.


Unboxing ROI

The return on investment from unboxing marketing efforts, calculated by comparing the revenue generated from improved unboxing experiences to the costs involved in creating and delivering those experiences.


Unboxing Score

A metric used to evaluate the effectiveness and appeal of the unboxing experience based on UnDigital's Guideline for Brands.


Unboxing Video

A video that captures the process of unpacking a product, highlighting the packaging, presentation, and the first impressions of the product itself. These videos are often shared on social media and can serve as powerful marketing tools, generating excitement and word-of-mouth promotion.



A sales technique where customers are encouraged to purchase a higher-end product than the one they originally intended to buy. This can be facilitated through targeted messaging and personalized offers included in the unboxing experience.


Value Proposition

A statement that summarizes the unique benefits and value that a product or service offers to customers. Communicating the value proposition through the unboxing experience can reinforce why customers chose the brand and encourage repeat purchases.


Variable Data Printing (VDP)

A printing technique that allows for the customization of individual pieces of printed material, such as personalized notes or promotional inserts. Using VDP in the unboxing process can create a more personalized and engaging customer experience.


Viral Marketing

A marketing strategy that encourages customers to share information about a product or brand, often through social media, to generate widespread attention. Creating a memorable unboxing experience can facilitate viral marketing by encouraging customers to share their unboxing moments online.

Voice of the Customer (VoC)

The process of capturing customers' expectations, preferences, and aversions. VoC programs help businesses understand customer needs and improve their unboxing experiences accordingly.


Volume Discount

A pricing strategy that offers customers a lower price per unit when they purchase larger quantities. Highlighting volume discounts in the unboxing experience can encourage customers to make larger purchases in the future.


Welcome Kit

A package sent to new customers or members that includes information and promotional materials to introduce them to the brand. A well-designed welcome kit can create a positive first impression and enhance the unboxing experience.


WMS (Warehouse Management System)

A software application designed to optimize warehouse operations. WMS manages inventory, tracks goods, facilitates order picking and packing, and improves the overall efficiency and accuracy of warehouse activities. It integrates with other systems to provide real-time visibility and control over warehouse processes.


Word-of-Mouth Marketing

A marketing strategy that relies on customers sharing their positive experiences with others. A memorable unboxing experience can generate word-of-mouth referrals, driving new customer acquisition and brand loyalty.



A statistical measure that indicates the number of standard deviations a data point is from the mean of a data set. Z-scores are used in hypothesis testing and to determine the probability of a data point occurring within a normal distribution.


Zero Defects

A quality management principle aimed at reducing defects and errors in products and processes to zero. Applying this principle to the unboxing process ensures that customers receive flawless products, enhancing their overall experience and satisfaction.


Zero Inventory

A strategy where inventory levels are kept as low as possible, often by synchronizing production and demand closely. While challenging, maintaining zero inventory can reduce storage costs and improve efficiency in the unboxing process by ensuring that products are fresh and up-to-date.


Zero Waste

An approach focused on reducing waste by reusing, recycling, and composting all materials. Implementing zero waste principles in packaging can enhance the unboxing experience by demonstrating the brand’s commitment to sustainability.


Zone Picking

A warehouse picking method where workers are assigned to specific zones and only pick items within their designated area. This method can improve efficiency and accuracy in order fulfillment, leading to a smoother unboxing experience for customers.


Zone Pricing

A pricing strategy that sets different prices for products based on geographic location. Understanding zone pricing can help in creating tailored unboxing experiences that cater to regional preferences and economic conditions.


Zonal Marketing

A marketing strategy that targets specific geographic areas with customized campaigns. Applying zonal marketing to the unboxing experience can involve using region-specific packaging designs or including localized promotional materials.


Zoomable Packaging

Packaging that incorporates QR codes or augmented reality (AR) features, allowing customers to scan and explore detailed product information or interactive content. This can significantly enhance the unboxing experience by adding a layer of engagement and education.